Friday, July 17, 2009

Greg Behrendt!

comedy show #3:

hilarious comedian, co-author of He's Just Not That Into You, and consultant on Sex and the City performed last night at comix. he was so funny that i don't think i stopped laughing for an hour straight. what was hilarious about the way he spoke was that his stories were really well constructed with a first act intro, second act build-up, climax, and conclusion. i think it has to do with his background as a writer. unlike other comedians who may be a bit all over the place with their jokes and ending jokes with one-liners, greg tells his stories, makes references to previous stories, and ties his entire act together.

here's a PG13-rated clip of him. there are more hilarious clips on youtube that are more vulgar and risque (look up "greg behrendt animal noises"). enjoy!

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