Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Fourth

this year's fourth was everything i had hoped it would be: beautiful, relaxing and on a rooftop. the day started off with a million uncertainties - what to do, who to meet up with, where to go, fireworks or no, etc. the thought of pushing our way through 8 million people on the piers was just not appealing, yet, floria, veyom and i have never seen fireworks in nyc, so secretly, i think we all wanted to go. and, let's be honest, it's just not in our nature to go stake out a spot 4 hrs beforehand.

good news came around 8:30pm when emily, a friend from college, told us about her friend who has a rooftop on the west side. we jumped on that invitation right away and below is the awesomeness that we witnessed:

i love that there's something about fireworks that just get people excited and giddy - young and old. as soon as the booming sounds go off, the ooooh's and ahhh's start. it brings people together in the simple enjoyment of beautiful colors and wonderment. in my opinion, they really should have fireworks more often :)


  1. i was on a rooftop too!...except in marina del rey, california. i think my fireworks probably paled in comparison to yours though. those pics are stunning!

  2. it was so cool! the funny thing was the one in jersey started 10 min before the one in ny, and the one in jersey only had one barge going. so we were watching that and being like "oooh cooool" and then suddenly, we heard a loud BOOM and the sky lit up on the right side and six barges went off in ny. it was like ny saying "up yours jersey, we'll show you how it's done!"
