Saturday, May 15, 2010

last day in the city

so i've completely slacked off on this blogging thing. i guess it's appropriate that i'm blogging now as i sit in an almost-empty room, 3 hours away from my flight out of nyc.

what an incredible experience it has been. from learning to kill cockroaches to being creative about furniture to maximize space, i don't think there is anywhere else in the world quite like this city. a friend asked me today to list the top 7 things i will always remember about my time here, and interestingly, for the next 15 seconds, snippets of memories that popped into my mind were not exactly that significant. it was not the first time i was on top of the rockefeller nor was it seeing the statue of liberty. it was not being in time square nor was it taking the subway. all the really great memories that i've had seem so mundane and normal when i talk about it, but what i realized was it was the amalgamation of such seemingly everyday things that truly make this city an unforgettable place. it is the combination of both the people and the environment that creates this unique energy that i think can only be found in nyc. maybe i'm naive and i'll soon realize that other major cities can replicate these similar experiences, but to be honest, i secretly hope that that is not true. there is something special about being in this city, at this time in our lives, with these particular people that i don't think i'll ever be able to have again - some people might find that sad, but a part of me can't help but smile. i am so incredibly lucky to have had that, even only for one year.

maybe in the larger scope of things, one year is really quite small. for now though at 3:30am, i am content to just sit here and let the emptiness sink in, and slowly feel out each of the countless emotions that are jumbled up inside me.

Monday, January 4, 2010


as some of you may know, whenever i hear a song i love at the moment, i would have it on repeat for days. literally, days. a good friend sent me this link the other day, and i have not stopped playing this awesome mix for the past four days. check it out!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

wrapping up 2009

something wonderful happened today that just tied 2009 together in a nice bow. nothing grand and life-changing (well, potentially life-changing, depends how you look at it), but a simple conversation with an old friend that brought back some level of peace and sanity. a lot has changed in the past year - a few new presidents around the world, moving across the continent, switching jobs, not having a job, loved ones getting engaged, babies growing up - whether big or small, i guess these changes will never stop.

today was one of those days that reminded me of where i come from. there will always be changes, but it is up to us to hold onto what is important amidst this crazy world we live in. old friends, new friends, good friends, not-so-good friends: these are the people that make us who we are. time is too precious to be wasted on judgments, and despite the eye-rolls i get every time i say this, i'm going to insist that i AM getting old; we are all getting too old too quickly to be dwindling on the what-if's and the what-should-be's of the past. let's start building on the what-could-be's of the future, shall we?

2009 has been a year of ups and downs and like all the years before, it has been a year of learning and growth. here's to ringing in 2010 with a peace of mind that my friends and family are healthy and happy.


Friday, December 18, 2009


it's funny to read the last post about the "coldest" day of the season...because when i left the city on wed, it was 25 degrees and feels like 7....

besides the weather, something else also changed in the past month. CONGRATUALTIONS ON THE ENGAGEMENT, JESSE & JULIE!

the happy couple, 11.28.09

welcome to the family, julie :) check out their site: i'm not going to lie, you might throw up in your mouth a little, but will still begrudgingly think it's really cute and clever ;)

in other news, i've escaped the upcoming blizzard this weekend in nyc, so bay area friends, let's play!! i have a lovely list of restaurants to hit up, and first and foremost is pho. anyone?? i know you guys are always up for some pho coma. see you all soon!

happy holidays :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

the fall

it has been a cold two days in new york city - probably one of the coldest days we've had so far this fall. with the weather changing, so has the wardrobe. as much as i complain about the cold, i secretly love this weather because of the coats, boots, scarfs and gloves :)

this is one of my favorite times of the year too, this period right after halloween and leading up to thanksgiving. for the first time in years, i'm spending thanksgiving with my family in ca! and of course, that means going back with an empty suitcase to stock up with more coats and scarfs to last through the winter.

we have yet to utilize our patio space since moving in, and now i'm already thinking about the cost of getting a gas heat lamp... do not doubt, my friends, we WILL be drinking beer out on the patio in the middle of winter, wrapped in warm clothing from head to toe.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

happy halloween!

despite the rain, i have a feeling it's going to be a night to remember - my first halloween in nyc! after hand-sewing and slaving away for hours because i'm too lazy to go across town to buy a glue gun, my costume is ready and i'm just excited about the festivities :) i'll post photos from tonight later, but for now, i want to share the new indoor slippers i got from amazon:

you know you want them too ;)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Look at my hole!

i thought i would share some photos of the tiny teeny hole that is my room. don't get me wrong, i love my hole, but it was quite a challenge to take these photos seeing as there is not much moving room to create enough distance from the camera to capture the entire room....

this is what you see from the door (no, the really cool friends did not come with the room):

from another angle:

yes, there is a lot of exposed bricks:

angle from the bed:

all in all, small and cozy :)